Here's Louise Baird and Mr. Morris speaking to Jack Hartman and Florence Lanzi regarding the production. Florence was later in life to become the husband of Rom Risco, a gentleman I remember from Kuser School back in the 1940's.
Here's a photo of four winsome HHS gals playing shuffleboard out on the sidewalk in front of Hamilton High. They would appear to be neighborhood girls, otherwise they would have been in gym shorts, and certainly not "regular" every day shorts!
HHS class of 1966 plan for their 20th reunion. These are the movers and shakers who made the arrangements for the reunion. That's our own Ronnie Steward in the photo lower left. Ronnie was a great sports announcer for TKR Cable in the golden years before Cablevision "of Hamilton" decided to curtail local programming and concentrate on "tv that's close to home." Their idea of tv that's close to home is covering events in Monmouth, and Ocean counties, with a smattering of Middlesex and Somerse, and an occasional minute of two for Hamilton.
One of my childhood neighbors and buddies, Ray Sypniewski, was the very first casualty of the Korean War to hail from Hamilton Township. As you will read in a column I wrote about him a number of years ago, Ray was one in a million.