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Monday, September 24, 2012

1948: WILL THERE BE A 65TH IN 2013?

It seems like only yesterday that I heard Dick Soffel and Rudy Gering on Trumpet and Bob Reed tickling the ivories in the Hamilton High School band.with Jack Hartman the band leader. My sister Dorothy was to have been in the class of '48 but the Glover finances were at the poverty level and she had to leave school and went to work at the Circle F Manufacturing Company in order to help with the family finances. 
I completely missed the recent class of 1947 reunion, and even though there is a very remote possibility that there is a Hamilton Hornet from that class or an adjacent class who is on the computer, I would be interested in posting a possible 65th on this website if indeed there will be one. Unless my math is faulty, these "kids" are now averaging 82 years young. How time has flown!

Thursday, September 06, 2012


Above is a "Photoshopped" 1960 yearbook which has the reunion committee superimposed. If it were my class of 1951 I would be able to identify each and every one in the photo. To any Hornets from that class, I'm sure you can to!
Below are the details of a "52.5" reunion to be held by the Class of 1960 at Hamilton High School Watson West. (Known to my generation as "Hamilton High."